It’s time to see what a sick stalker’s blog looks like!

4 Aug

The same individual who defamed me is now making Conrad thewinewankers’ life miserable. Personality disorders can be so bothersome.

Why I Don’t Like Feminists

24 Jun

Many thanks to Opinionated Man for allowing me to talk about my book at his HarsH ReaLiTy blog.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Holdings Powers That Be Accountable

18 Jun



My friends here at WordPress, especially those who’ve read The Mirror, know that I am not one who gives up easily.  Monday evening, I was having a beverage at a local saloon with a younger military Signals engineer whom I was on the Space Operations Course with, a couple of years ago. In discussing my book, he suggested that I contact the Go Public team at CBC News.

While the British have the BBC, Canadians have the CBC – the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. If you’re from the U.S., think of the CBC as if PBS was an arms-length agency of the Federal Government.

So, I’ve sent the CBC News / Go Public team an email about my book’s true story. I’ve reproduced the email below, with the necessary minor alterations to change the true names to the pseudonyms I used in the book, as required.

* * * * *


Dear Go Public,

This will be difficult to believe, but it is a true story, I assure you. As you read this, bear in mind that I am a recently retired, 3rd generation RCAF navigator (almost 31 years of service) and a Member of the Order of Military Merit. I was a founding member of the Canadian Forces’ Welfare Centre, have the military equivalent to a basic post-graduate education, and have worked with defence scientists and researchers of various flavours. Character references upon request, etc., etc.

In 2008, during a nasty marriage breakdown, I had to deal with my estranged wife’s rabid parental alienation and possible Munchausen by proxy behaviour. Both of these are serious forms of child abuse. Experts hold that alienation abuse is at least as harmful to kids psychologically as is sexual abuse. Munchausen by proxy is the most lethal form of child abuse. By Ontario law, I had to contact a Children’s Aid Society (CAS) to report this, and so I did. (Pasties CAS.)

The CAS not only refused to investigate, which by their own admission would require outside psychiatric expertise, they tried to block an expert psychiatrist’s involvement. They assisted my ex-wife in alienating our three children from me–11, 13, 17–and got me court-ordered from my own home, without trial and without evidence, and with a cunning de facto no access order placed against me.

Even when the expert psychiatrist (Associate Professor of Psychiatry, psychoanalyst) corroborated everything that I had said was happening, the CAS still refused to help, as did the Ontario’s Office of the Children’s Lawyer. It would be more accurate to name that agency the Office of the Mother’s Lawyer. Better that children be subject to serious child abuse than mother not “win” HER child support payments, in Ontario.

I used my military background to analyze the child protection system, and discovered some rather interesting things. The mandatory 2007 Child Protection Standards in Ontario have been rigged with feminist ideology and definitions, so that a mother not getting exclusive custody of the children in divorce (and hence the child support payments) now technically constitutes child abuse, especially if she is a threat to the kids. This rationalizes what is in fact malicious interference in divorce by feminist CAS social workers under guise of fraudulent child protection.

Feminist CAS workers know this will establish “status quo” and “primary caregiver” child custody advantages for mother in the ensuing divorce proceedings, as these are the two largest determinants of child custody in Ontario. It also vilifies the father as being abusive, by implication, as he had to be removed from the home “due to conflict.” (i.e., It was his fault, he’s belligerent or abusive or has “anger issues.”)

This feminist ideology is in the realm of domestic violence “theory,” and it was refuted by UBC Professor Don Dutton back in 2006 (i.e., before the Child Protection Standards were written in 2007) in a peer-reviewed academic paper. My analysis also revealed something else: this systemic practice is criminal, and not in a trivial way.

I maintain that the Ontario government acted to cover up what happened in my case. I had brought this to the attention of Minister Rype-Blumers and Attorney General Guy Smiley. The Child and Family Services Review Board issued a misleading decision against Hastings CAS to cover up the criminal malfeasance. When I complained against the feminist judge who ordered me out of my house without trial, I specifically explained how her actions constituted the criminal offences of abduction as per sections 280.1 and 281 of the Criminal Code (abduction of a child under 14 or 16). The Ontario Judicial Council couldn’t refute my argument, so they merely wrote back to inform me that I had complained of criminal “abduction.” They literally put the word in quotes to express their contempt for me.

I’ve recently published a book to expose what constitutes, unbelievably, a covert Ontario-wide feminist criminal conspiracy to abduct children from their fathers in divorce, from which Children’s Aid Societies justify their government funding. I am openly alleging cover up and criminal malfeasance, including on the part of the feminist judge and others like her.

I also noted essentially similar narcissistic personality traits in the hard-core feminists in my case to those that the expert psychiatrist identified in my former wife. I’ve re-interpreted existing elements of narcissism theory to explain this.

My book and its thesis about feminists and narcissism have the endorsement of reformed former feminist Professor of English Janice Fiamengo (University of Ottawa). It’s garnered strong reader reviews, and is reported to be a gripping read. One reader described it as John le Carre meets Mommy Dearest, to which I would add a bit of author Malcolm Gladwell.

To due Ontario’s Child and Family Services Act, I cannot be publicly identified in association with my true story. Thus, I write and blog under the pseudonym of Michael M. McConaughey.

Please help me to expose this duplicitous system of injustice and abuse of children (and men!) in Ontario. The expert psychiatrist  -Toronto’s Dr. Sol Goldstein – told me in May 2010 that there were strong clinical indicators in the Russ Williams case that suggest that severe parental alienation at the hands of a highly narcissistic mother (e.g., his strange family name changes) is what caused Williams’ severe psychopathology. Please help me expose and thus defeat Ontario’s secret Russ Williams Training Program for Children of Divorce.

The whole story is even bigger than what I’ve outlined in this email. This is just the beginning. My book’s title is The Mirror, Book One – Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood.

Thank you.

Michael M. McConaughey

Ottawa ON

613.123.4567 (evenings and weekends)

* * * * *

Someday, somewhere, someone is going to break this story in the mainstream media. Hopefully, it will be CBC News Go Public. I note that they’re advertising that they are on a bit of a summer vacation from June to August. If I don’t hear back from them, I’ll contact them again later in the summer.

My father taught me that perseverance is a virtue. It was a good lesson.

Lay a Little Love on leftylola

17 Jun
Down, but not out. The Mark of a true champion.

Down, but not out. The mark of a true champion.


I broke into blogging with Opinionated Man’s “Project O” series of introduction posts on his HarsH ReaLiTy blog, back in September of 2013. I met many of my blogging friends there, and it was a brilliant contribution of his to the WordPress community.

One of my wonderful such blogging friends is leftylola, who’s battled a serious eating disorder for a large part of her life. LeftyL–a.k.a. Nikki of New Jersey, who was Project O #50 back on 13 September 2013, or thereabouts–has had a rough go of it in the recent past, but she’s no quitter. As she climbs her way back out of her own personal Pit of Despair, why don’t we all show her a little love to help her along her ascent?

“<” + “3” = ❤

You can leave some love for LL at her Not Dead Yet post today. (She apparently likes a book called The Mirror, so there’s no accounting for taste. };-)>)

Michael M. McConaughey’s New Author Website

16 Jun
Blog, then book, and now author's website. Take that, J.K.Rowling! En garde!

Blog, then book, and now author’s website. Take that, J.K.Rowling! En garde!

Well, didn’t my “all-inclusive” package with include them setting me up with my very own author’s website. I’ll have to get Mom to Google it a thousand times or so, as this is about the limit of my knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO). I don’t dare reblog my own post about it, as I may get caught in an infinite loop SEO event horizon and freeze time.

Plus, that would be gauche.

To help guide the marketing expert in setting up a website that I would like, they had a questionnaire for me to fill out. Due to the workload involved in leaving the RCAF and starting a new job / 2nd career–or 3rd, if you count the one time that the brass pole broke under my not-inconsiderable weight–, I’d lost track of the questionnaire and had to hurry to get it done.

Regarding author websites that appealed to me and why, what I included:

1. Mary Yerkes (Classic look, simple, book will look great with simple B&W theme.)

2. Dan Brown (Scroll down to the very bottom – powerful symbolism, which I love. The Mirror uses this in its cover art very effectively, as narcissistic mirroring is a core theme. Somehow, distorted mirroring live the cover design has to be incorporated.)

3. Website attributes I am looking for: Simple, uncluttered, powerful, symbolism, easy-to-find information.

The marketing expert thought that would be better than (i.e., no middle initial “M.”)

I also had to chose five words from a group of descriptive adjectives that characterized the book and my “author image.” (I could add to the list, if required.) I chose: dark (somewhat); personable; mysterious; controversial; and revelatory.

I had him use my WordPress avatar instead of an author photo, so that I didn’t run afoul of a non-identification legal issue.

What do you think about author websites in general and mine in particular?





Vinyl Valhalla #2 – Sold My Soul to the Digital Devil

15 Jun
Albums like this deserve vinyl

Masterpieces such as this deserve vinyl

After the delays of a new book being released, retiring from the Royal Canadian Air Force after nearly 31 years (has it really been 31 years?), and starting a new job, it’s time to pick up where I left off in this audio retrospective series. It appears that, once again, my WordPress email alerts were turned off, so if I haven’t been around to visit your posts as of late—workload and WordPress as my excuses, of course—, please accept my apology.

The previous instalment in the Vinyl Valhalla series is here, if you’re interested.

After the high school years and military basic training, my next foray into audio came during my first year at university. I had a Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTC in the U.S., I believe) education sponsorship, and so I had a modest salary, for a student. On a military trip to South Carolina aboard one of our old steam driven frigates during 1984 spring break, I spied some electronics and eventually succumbed to the desire to have a stereo again. I hadn’t been able to bring my old clunker with the 8-track with me.


The high school stereo.

The high school stereo

Knowing essentially nothing about audio, I went with the well known name of Sony for the electronics and Bose for the speakers. I bought a 55 watt Sony audio-video receiver and a separate Sony CD player, the first time I had ever owned digital music. The speakers were the entry-level Bose 301s, whose smaller stature fit my humble university residence rather nicely. CD’s were convenient, with my limited space, and in my ignorance I thought that I had assembled a respectable basic sound system.


So not hi fi

So not hi fi

They looked neat, but weren't high fidelity

They looked neat, but weren’t high fidelity

How little did I know.

Fast forward a decade-plus later, and I was a father of three young children, had my first mortgage, etc. I found I was missing the music, or perhaps something in the music was missing. Still knowing nothing about stereos, I went with a similar brand name / more power is better approach. That is, I was still ignorant. I picked up a used 100w Sony AV received from ebay (later 90’s) and a pair of Paradigm Monitor 9 floor stander speakers. More power had to be better, and bigger speakers had to be better, too.

They looked impressive

They looked impressive

It was better, but it was still lacking. What I didn’t realize was that mass market solid state electronics and digital music (CDs) were literally killing the life in the music, sucking the very soul right out of it.

I remained in my state of ignorance until around the year 2000. It was then that I stumbled across one simple and unassuming audio website, and it forever changed the music in my life, for the better.

All men are not the same

3 Jun

mommyx4boys decries our society’s very negative view of men.

trying to make things right

Dr. Martin Luther King jr Dr. Martin Luther King jr Serial killer, Ted Bundy Serial killer, Ted Bundy
I want to talk about something that is very important to me, i want to talk about how society is developing a very negative attitude towards men. This is something that needs to be addressed and stopped.  I know that there are men who have done terrible things in this world, but there are many more men who have done extraordinary and wonderful things, and to put all men in the same category simply because they are male is preposterous. If all men are the same because they are male then it stands to reason that all women must be the same because they are female. So i ask you are all women the same as Andrea Yates, the woman who drowned her five children in her bathtub in 2001? Are all women the same as Casey Anthony, the woman who…

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25 May
Let the truth be known

Let the truth be known






New Author Exposes Government’s Hidden CAS Agenda in The Mirror


[Ottawa, ON – 25 May 2014] – When Michael McConaughey—not his real name—contacted a Children’s Aid Society (CAS) in 2008 about his estranged wife’s abuse of their children, he thought they would be protected. Instead, Society workers helped his wife alienate them, got him court-ordered from his own home by a feminist judge, and had a de facto no-access order placed against him, all without trial. What he discovered led to what he maintains was a government cover up. In his new book The Mirror, Book One: Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood, McConaughey exposes everything.


McConaughey was astonished to learn that feminists had rigged the mandatory Child Protection Standards in Ontario so that a mother not automatically “winning” child custody and child support payments now perversely constitutes child abuse, especially if she is a child abuser. His analysis reveals that this systemic practice is irrefutably criminal, which is why he believes it had to be covered up. McConaughey also noticed the same essential narcissistic personality traits in the feminist social workers, lawyers, and judge that an expert psychiatrist identified in McConaughey’s former wife of 19 years. In the midst of an election campaign, this is the nightmare scandal that may come back to haunt Ontario’s Liberals.


I spent the past weekend with your book. It is excellent: your patient and blow-by-blow recounting of the hell you endured makes for a very gripping reading experience.”

Professor Janice Fiamengo, University of Ottawa


The Mirror, Book One: Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood is available to order from, Amazon and most major book retailers. The ebook edition is available for download through Amazon’s Kindle, iTunes Bookstore, Google Play, and Chapters and Indigo’s Kobo.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael M. McConaughey is a soon-to-retire, 3rd generation Royal Canadian Air Force navigator with over three decades of service. He is a Member of the Order of Military Merit and a father of three.


# # #




Michael M. McConaughey

Author Of The Week!

20 May
To Oprah: So glad you liked the book. Sorry, I already have a gf. Love, Nav

To Oprah: So glad you liked the book. Sorry, I already have a gf. Love, Nav

Well, it’s been an exciting last few days. There was the first confirmed sighting of The Mirror. An unnamed lady who is dear to me purchased three paperback copies at the FriesenPress online book store. I wasn’t aware that  the book arrived only a few days later–I still haven’t received my promotional copies yet. Imagine my surprise when she came over to visit Saturday evening, when I was at my parents’ home.

The book looks even better than I had dared hope. The red-on-white-with-black looks very striking. For those of you who, like me, prefer a real paper book to an e-book, it was a sublime moment when I first held a copy. Although I had read the words that I’ve written many times over on a computer screen, seeing them in physical print for the first time made it seem real. Electrons are so fleeting and ethereal; a physical book can last a minor eternity.

To add to the good news, the delightful Tam over at TravellingBookJunkie has honoured me as her Author of the Week and has given The Mirror, Book One – Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood a 4-Star book review –check out the links and support Tam for supporting The Mirror. Tam writes some intriguing travel posts about fascinating destinations, which typically include photos that magically transport you to these exotic locations.

I suppose I shall have to get myself organized, and try to get a blogging book tour scheduled. Would anyone be interested in writing their own book review about The Mirror, or in hosting an author interview like the one at TravellingBookJunkie or the one that KG did? I’d probably look to schedule one or two of these a week, to spread them out over the summer. No one would be rushed, and I’d be happy to help with the writing.

Any takers?

One on One with the author of ‘The Mirror – Book One’

14 May

My author interview about The Mirror with the wonderful KG. New reader MaggieMay downloaded the e-book as a result, and says she can’t put it down. (Sounds familiar?)

Books, Music, Photography, & Movies

Hello Everyone,

When I joined WordPress, I didn’t expect to make friends, much less become a test reader for a non-fiction work of a fellow blogger, author and friend. Life is full of surprises, isn’t it? And to add more to it, here is something I didn’t envision myself doing it ever in my life: conducting an interview  🙂 I literally shy away from it, even when forced to do it in my official environment. But the interview that you are going to read has been an absolute pleasure to do, because of the person involved.  Without further ado, let me welcome my guest of honor, Mr. Michael M. McConaughey, known popularly in the blogging world as Mr. Navigator.

He is the author of the recently released book ‘The Mirror – Book One: Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood’, currently available in Barnes and Noble , Amazon and…

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